The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), sometimes called the Stimulus Act, was an $831 billion economic stimulus package enacted by the 111th Congress in February 2009 and signed…
In 1994, I wrote 99 Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor and Why having observed my dad’s journey through a two week medical ordeal involving heart bypass surgery. I…
April 7, 2014 How the U.S. health care system operates and performs is no longer a topic reserved for policy wonks, physicians and nurses who complain about its demise, insurers…
By tomorrow morning, the tally of enrollees in health exchanges will be between 6 and 7 million. Many of these will not finalize their paperwork until April 15, and many…
Four years ago yesterday, President Obama signed The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)—the most significant overhaul of our health system since Medicare and Medicaid were launched as part of…
The 18-34 year old segment of our population is a large, growing and important in our society. There are 80 million strong. Their attitudes, beliefs, values and actions are…
March 10, 2014 The most significant force for health system transformation in the United States is employer activism. Last week’s decision to delay the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate until…
There’s scant disagreement that a key to transforming the U.S. health system is strengthening its primary care foundation. But there’s no consensus about how. In last week’s new cycle, evidence…
February 24, 2014 Late Friday after the financial markets closed, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its annual notice of 2015 payments to private insurers who sell…
Higher education has a relative value problem. The product of higher education is widely embraced in the United States: 20 million students attend our 3000 schools of higher learning. Per…